[Android] Making Android OCR app using tess-two v3.03 library Without ndk, ant, cygwin and setting environment variables..


In this post, I will show you how to make an android app that will recognize text from an image using the tess-two library.

You will not need to download android ndk, cygwin and ant. You will also not need to set environment variables.


  1. Eclipse or any other IDE that has been configured for android development.
You will not need android ndk to build the tess-two library because I have already done that for you.

Step 1.
Download the pre-built tess-two library as .7za here and extract the tess-two folder to any location. NB/ Do not extract into your workspace!!!!!

Step 2.
Download Simple-Android-OCR-master project from  here and extract to the same location as the tess-two library.

Step 3.
Import the two projects into the eclipse workspace as shown below.
go to File>Import>Existing android code into workspace>Root Folder: Browse. Select the folder that contains the two projects.

Check the two projects and also check Copy projects into workspace.
You may encounter errors in-case you extracted them in you workspace.

Click Finish.

At this time, you should be able to run the  Simple-Android-OCR-master project.In case you have errors, don’t panic.continue reading.

You can import each project at a time in case you had extracted in different locations.

Step 4. Mark the tess-two project as a library if its not marked already.
Right click>properties>Android>Check is library.

Step 5. Reference the tess-two project in the other project.
Right click project >Properties>Android>Add, select tess-two.

At this time, all errors should have disappeared and you should be able to run Simple-Android-OCR-master project and test the app on a device with a camera.

I will write another tutorial very soon on how to improve the output. Feel free to leave a comment.
from :
[Android] Making Android OCR app using tess-two v3.03 library Without ndk, ant, cygwin and setting environment variables.. 4.5 5 Thanh Nguyen In this post, I will show you how to make an android app that will recognize text from an image using the tess-two library. You will not nee...

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