Next Thursday Is the Day You Can Ask Mark Zuckerberg Anything

Next Thursday Is the Day You Can Ask Mark Zuckerberg Anything Have a question to Mark Zuckerberg but don't know how to get an answer? Grab your chance on November 6th during Facebook’s first “Commun...

[Java] Custome Jtable , read data from file parse to jtable

[Java] Custome Jtable , read data from file parse to jtable 1: Create new Project ! ----------------------------- ackage thanhcs.javademo; import; public class Stud...

Người khai sinh Android bất ngờ rời Google

Người khai sinh Android bất ngờ rời Google Hôm qua (30/10), Google bất ngờ thông báo rằng Andy Rubin, người chịu trách nhiệm phát triển  hệ điều hành di động Android, sẽ rời khỏi công...

[ Automata] Find the DFA for the language

[ Automata] Find the DFA for the language Find the DFA for the language L = { a n b : n ≥ 0 } ∪ { b n a : n ≥ 1 } This is a problem from the book "An Introduction to Formal Lang...

My mom only had one eye.

My mom only had one eye. My mom only had one eye. I hated her… She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family. There was t...

NFA to DFA Automata conversion

NFA to DFA Automata conversion Document :

Best Jockes 2014

Best Jockes 2014 A guy walks into a wedding reception. He goes up to the bartender and asks, "Is this the punch line?" Yo momma so ugly that when s...

101 best Jockes for you !

101 best Jockes for you ! How do I set a laser printer to stun? "How many computer programmers does it take to change a light bulb? Are you kidding? That's a...

Creative Code: 14 Ways to Learn From Creative Programmers

Creative Code: 14 Ways to Learn From Creative Programmers Photo by  morganglines If programming is your bag, you might check out my other blog  Web Jackalope  for creative web development and design...


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