Android Developer Days is reloading for 2013


Android Developer Days(ADD) is now reloading for 2013. ADD 2013 will take place on June 14/15, 2013 in METU Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey
ADD 2013 is targeted to be the one of the biggest international tech related community organization in EMEA. The first ADD was on May 21/22, 2012. There were 700 participants and more than 30 speakers.  ADD 2013,  June 14/15, 2013,  will have more participants, more fun, more networking and more inspiration. 
Take a look at the About, Call for submissions and Participation Form.

ADD is a community conference organized by:  

You can join the conference with the followings:

  • Presentations that is 15-20 minutes or 40-45 minutes long.
  • Quickie: 10 minute presentation in small rooms.
  • Poster: You can show your applications in a place dedicated for posters.
  • Workshop: Presentations with hands on coding, 40 minutes long.
Indicate your contribution in OpenConf and please indicate how much your presentation is going to take when submitting it to OpenConf Deadline of Call for Submissions is 1st May 2013.

  • Future Technologies
  • Mobile World
    • Future of Mobile World
    • New Generation Mobile Devices (Project Glass)
  • Android OS
    • Future Versions
    • Android in Different Architectures
    • Android in Different Areas(Industry, Defense, Home Electronics etc.)
  • Android App Development
    • New Features and Capabilities
    • App Development Best Practises
    • Android SDK Tools
    • UI(User Interface) / UX (User Experience) Design
    • App Monetization
      • Ad Integration
      • In-app Billing
    • User Statistics
  • Android NDK
  • Cross Platform App Development Frameworks
  • HTML5
  • Javascript
  • Game Development
  • Google TV
  • Google Playstore
  • Communication Solutions (NFC, Bluetooth, Wi-fi)
  • 3G, 4G Wide Band Communication
  • Cloud
    • Google Cloud Messaging for Android
    • Google App Engine
  • Augmented Reality
  • Social Media
  • Location Based Services and Maps
  • Mobile Education (Fatih Project)
  • Mobile Payment
  • Security
  • Arduino
  • Software Development Methodologies
  • Success Stories
  • GWT

Android Developer Days is reloading for 2013 4.5 5 Thanh Nguyen Android Developer Days( ADD) is now reloading for 2013. ADD 2013 will take place on June 14/15 , 2013 in METU Cultural and Convention Cente...

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