[2010-08-27 15:32:04 – (Project Name)] Error generating final archive: Debug certificate expired on 7/30/10 10:42 PM!
After searching I found this link which suggests the solution: http://www.androidian.de/?p=940.
The problem comes from the fact that Android required the applications to be signed even in the debug mode. So it uses a keystore file called debug.keystore to providde keys for signing applications in debug mode. This key store file has a validity period by default 365 days from its creation date.
The First Solution:
Navigate to the .android folder in your home directory “~/.android” (Linux,Mac OS) or c:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\.android in windows XP or C:\Users\.android in windows Vista or Windows 7, and delete debug.keystore file. Then go to eclipse clean the project, this will create a new debug.keystore file with default validity period 365 days.
The Second Solution:
Create a new default.keystore file with custom validity period (say 1000 days).
- Navigate to the .android folder.
- Delete the old default.keystore file.
- We will use JDK Keytool.exe to generate the new key file. It is found in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin in windows or inside the Java\jre6\bin folder in Mac OS or Linux.
- Open the terminal app in Mac OS or Linux or the command prompt and navigate to keytool.exe directory.
- Run the following command:
keytool -genkey -keypass android -keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -validity 1000 -dname “CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US” - This will generate a new default.keystore file with validity period 1000 days.
- Copy the generated file to the .android folder, go to eclipse and clean projects and it should work.
- genkey: generates a key pair.
- keystore <Key Store Name>: the name of the key store file.
- alias <alias name>: an alias for the key store. If the alias name is more than 8 characters the first 8 only are used.
- storepass <password>: the password for the key.
- validity <Validty Period>: the validity period for the key in days.
- dname <name>: A Distinguished Name that describes who created the key. The value is used as the issuer and subject fields in the self-signed certificate.
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