Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) released

Yesterday Google fially released the long-anticipated Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). here are some of the new features: API Level : 9. The Dalvi...

Android Content Providers

Remember when we created a sqlite database android application. We saw that the database file is stored in the file system directories of th...

How to check if the phone is connected to the Internet

to check whether your phone is connected to the Internet, use the following code: ConnectivityManager con=(ConnectivityManager)getSystemServ...

Using SQLite Database with Android

Android default Database engine is Lite. SQLite is a lightweight transactional database engine that occupies small amout of disk storage and...

Using Android SlidingDrawer

Remeber Android's old versions' (prior to 2.2) launcher screen where we had a sliding pane at the bottom that when dragged upwards d...

Using View Flipper in Android

Suppose you want to display a news bar in your activity. this news bar displays a single news item at a time then flips and shows next item ...

Currency Converter v1.0 released on Slide ME

Currency Converter v1.0 is released and is available at this location: the application provides real time currency convertion for more than...

Using Alerts in Android

In a previuos post we saw how to display a popup message using Toasts . Toasts are just notification messages involving no interaction from ...

Android popup messages using Toast

In Android you can display pop up messages that lasts for a certain duration and then disappears-using the Toast class. Toast is a transient...

Using Themes and Styles in Android

In web design we have the concept of Styles and Themes. Styles like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) define the values of the web controls attri...

Android Error: Error generating final archive: Debug certificate expired on …

One day I opened eclipse to start a new android application, after creating the project and trying to run it I received the following error:...

iPhone-Like Tab bar in Android

In a previous post we saw how to use the TabHost to create tabs in Android applications. Also we noticed that the Tabs in Android appear at ...

Tabbed Applications in Android

Some times we want to wrap multiple views in a single window and navigate throught them with a Tab Container. this can be done in Android us...

Android Simple Image Gallery

In this post we are going to use the gallery control t construct a simple image gallery. the layout is like the previous post . remeber tha...

Android Gallery Control

In Android the Gallery control is a selection control that displays items in a horizontal gallery. the items in the gallery appear beside ea...

How to rotate the Android Emulator ?

To rotate the Android Emulator, just disable the Num Lock key and and use the 7 and the 9 in the num pad to rotate the emulator and chang...

Android Intents: Part3: Intent Filters

Android components like activities can also serve implicit intents. but to do so they have to filter all implicit intents in order to serve ...


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