I was performing some transformations (scaling) on 2D sprites like this: CIwMat2D matrix; rot.Scale(IW_FIXED(2)); When I ran the app I recei...
Home > Archives for October 2012
Marmalade SDK: Data cache overflow allocating XXX. Increase [GX] DataCacheSize (currently XXXXX) exception
You may encounter this error if your application requires caching some data but the reserved cache size by your application does not have en...
Marmalade SDK: Output Debug messages
If you want to output debug messages in your output console in Visual studio, you can do it in two ways: Use standard C++ output stream cou...
Marmalade SDK: Exception cannot open file iwui_style/style.group.bin for serialising
I made a simple IW2D app with Marmalade SDK, it worked fine in the Windows emulator but when I deployed to Android I received this exception...
App Developers: check this survey
“I came across this invitation for developers to give their perspectives to mobile industry leaders such as Microsoft, Google, Apple and RI...
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