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Home > Archives for May 2011
Using Android Preferences
We saw before that we can persist an application's data using SQLite database. Android offers another way to store user's data throu...
The Difference between Handler and AsyncTask
After we saw both Handlers and AsyncTasks a question may evolve: what's the difference between the two and when to use one of them over ...
Google to Unveil Service to Let Users Stream Their Music
Google will announce today on Google I/O 2011 it's long anticipated Cloud-based music service.
Threading in Android part 2: Async Tasks
In the previous post we saw one way to deal with threads in Android, which is by using Handlers . In this post we'll see how to use ano...
Threading in Android part 1: Handlers
Multi-Threading concept is essential in most platforms. it provides maximum utilization of the processor. threading is used when the program...
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- Alert
- Alternative Menus
- Amazon App Store
- AnalogClock
- android
- Android 2.2
- Android 2.3
- Android 3.0
- Android 4.0
- Android 5.0 Lollipop
- android dialog
- Android Market
- android ocr
- android orc
- android sdk
- androidapps
- androidprogramming
- Apple
- Applications
- AsyncTask
- AutoCompleteEditText
- automata
- body language
- Browser
- Button
- char array
- checkbox
- Chronometer
- Cocos2d-x v3.0
- Contacts
- Content Providers
- Contest
- Context Menu
- convert
- Currency Converter
- Cursor
- DatePicker
- DatePickerDialog
- deigne
- dfa
- DigitalClock
- do
- do an
- DOM Parser
- download_document
- duoi hinh bat chu
- duoi hinh bat tu vung
- EditText
- Emulator
- english for computing
- error
- eucliean mo rong
- exception
- Extended Euclidean
- Gallery
- game
- game android
- Games
- giai tri
- Gingerbread
- graph_theory
- GridLayout
- Handler
- hoc tieng anh
- hocanhvan
- Honeycomb
- HTTPClient
- Ice Cream Sandwich
- ImageButton
- Intent Filters
- Intents
- internet connection
- iOS 5
- iPhone
- java
- java string
- java swing
- java_dhth8b
- java_jtable
- jlist select multiple items
- jockes
- jtable
- lap trinh
- lap trinh di dong
- laptrinh
- ListView
- listview_android
- LogCat
- login form_java
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- Marmalade SDK
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- ndk
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- nfd
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- programming language
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- RapidFire
- Remote Service
- SAX Parser
- sdk5.0
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- Service
- SharedPreferences
- signing
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- SlidingDrawer
- slidingmenu
- source code
- Space
- Spinner
- sprite sheet
- sqlite
- story
- Styles
- Sub Menu
- Survey
- TabHost
- Tabs
- TabWidget
- tam su
- tamsu
- tess two
- tesseract
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- Themes
- Threading
- thuat toan mo rong
- thuat toan nhan binh phuong
- tieng anh
- TimePicker
- TimePickerDialog
- tin tuc
- Toast
- ToggleButton
- tool
- ui
- ViewFlipper
- viewgroup
- We-Pad
- web service
- winphone8
- youtobeandroid
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