Winners of the Ice Cream Sandwich VS iOS5 contest

Dear readers we are glad to announce the winners of our Ice Cream Sandwich VS iOS5 contest: The winners of the first prize: Android a Comp...

Ice Cream Sandwich GridLayout

Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) introduced a new type of layouts: the Gridlayout . Gridlayout is like the <Table> tag in HTML . chil...

Contest: Do you think Android Ice Cream Sandwich will beat Apple iOS 5

Hello everybody. Google will release the next major Android update: Android 4.0 (Ice cream Sandwich) along with it's next flagship phon...

Android Developers Blog: Preview of Google TV Add-on for the Android SDK

Android Developers Blog: Preview of Google TV Add-on for the Android SDK

Android Developing: Remove Auto focus from Edit Text

Android Developing: Remove Auto focus from Edit Text : "When start Android application, it always auto focus EditText box. Here we give...

Implementing Search activities

Most Android phones have a search button. this button is used to search contacts,applications or anything on the phone. We can make use of...

In this post we will see how can a client application call the methods of a service defined in another application. this is achieved through...

Official Google Blog: When patents attack Android

Official Google Blog: When patents attack Android

Android Story: From [x] cube Labs

Infographic by Android Developers at [x]cubelabs

Android Services

Android Service is used for long-running processes that do not require user interaction, such as calling a web service and parsing response....

Parsing JSON respone:

if we have a JSON web service response like this: "persons" [ { "person"{ "firstName": "John", ...

Parsing XML wit SAX parser

Android provides org.xml.sax package that has that provides the event-driven SAX parser. to parse the previous response with SAX parser, we...

Parsing XML wit DOM parser

Android offers three types of XML parsers: DOM Parser. Pull Parser. SAX Parser. we'll demonstrate each using the following xml example: ...



Android Developers Blog: New Editing Features in Eclipse plug-in for Android

Android Developers Blog: New Editing Features in Eclipse plug-in for Android

Connecting to a web service over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): protocol:

Android default HttpClinet does not support SSL connections, so if you have a secured web service, you need to connect to it via

Calling SOAP Web Services with Android APIs

One of the most common functionalities required in mobile applications is to call a web service to retrieve data. This process involves requ...

Calling REST Web Services with Android.

Requesting REST web service:   you request REST web services by calling a URL with the parameters. like this

Using Android Preferences

We saw before that we can persist an application's data using SQLite database. Android offers another way to store user's data throu...

The Difference between Handler and AsyncTask

After we saw both Handlers and AsyncTasks a question may evolve: what's the difference between the two and when to use one of them over ...

Google to Unveil Service to Let Users Stream Their Music

Google will announce today on Google I/O 2011 it's long anticipated Cloud-based music service.

Threading in Android part 2: Async Tasks

In the previous post we saw one way to deal with threads in Android, which is by using Handlers . In this post we'll see how to use ano...

Threading in Android part 1: Handlers

Multi-Threading concept is essential in most platforms. it provides maximum utilization of the processor. threading is used when the program...

Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) Overview

Google released it's tablet-targeted Android version 3.0 (Honeycomb) with a totally new interdace and concepts. here are the major updat...


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